detect web application firewall with wafw00f

This Video about wafw00f,this is firewall detection tool,present in kali linux.this is not for filterbypass,bypass firewall and firewall bypass techniques.this is for detect firewall and firewall footprinting.

what is firewall ? |firewall definition ?|what is firewall in networking ?|what is waf ?

firewall is software/hardware to provide security and prevent unauthorized access.the purpose of a firewall on computer networks is to make secure.

types of firewall |types of firewall architecture|different kinds of firewalls

following is types of firewall present.

1. packet filters (packet filtering ),
2. circuit level gateways (circuit level gateway firewall),
3. application level gateways (application firewall ),
4. stateful multilayer inspection firewalls( stateful firewall ).

how does a firewall work ? |why use a firewall ? |how web application firewall works ?

firewall is working based on firewall rules.using three dots & a dash can xss filter bypass and bypass wordpress mod_security issue.

why firewall is required ?

security reaseons it is prevent comman attacks.

what is firewall configuration ? how to take off firewall ?| where is the firewall located ?

firewall is default present under all settings/control can turn on/off.

disadvantages of firewall
it can be bypassed
it can't prevent zero day 0day attacks
it can't stop hacker activity.

firewall audit tool

you can test(pen testing) your firewall rules and test firewall ports using hping3 tool in kali waf is website application firewall,comodo web application firewall,waf sucuri,openwrt firewall,ubuntu firewall,comodo firewall,windows firewall,sucuri.

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