social engineering and phishing attack
phishing attack
social engineering setoolkit password phishing kali linux tutorial
this video is not phishing engineering and phishing just for knowledgde.this is setoolkit lab kali linux tutorial.
what's social engineering
Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious(malware) activities accomplished through human interactions.
types of social engineering attacks
1 human based and,
2 computer based.
preventing social engineering attacks
this is totally depends on user and user technical knowledge.
what is phishing , what's phishing mean(phishing attack)
phishing is method this used to obtain sensitive information such as passwords,debit card information for malicious reasons.password phishing,spearfishing attack(spear phishing),site phishing this all phishing.
you can use phishing alert(spam) for phishing email detection,email phishing attacks,phishing detection.
everybody vulnerable for social engineering,hacker and cracker can exploit(hack).this is always facebook hacker do.
netcraft adone is anti phishing tools or phishing software.this is not malware so antivirus cant detect many time.
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